Morning sickness (all day nausea) and work

Hi I'm Natalie ☺️
It's my first pregnancy and I'm 7 weeks! I work as a makeup artist 5 days a week but at the moment trying to get through those days with constantly feeling nauseous especially with my counter being right next to fragrance which is circulating round me all day is very challenging. I've woken up this morning and I haven't been sick but have gone to eat some breakfast and get ready for work and then it's just hit me, the wave of sickness and the cramps all rolled into one not so great start to my morning. I'm having to take today off as its only getting worse but I'm asking everyone what actually got them through this stage with having to work as well? Ginger is definitely not my answer 😂 Also I sort of found out I was pregnant the day I started my new job and I'm so worried they'll get rid of me because they don't think I'm up to it - what's my rights within that?