relationship help?

So me and my boyfriend have a 6 month old and I'm currently 20weeks pregnant. I have tried speaking to him in person, by letter and text and nothing works so I wrote this out. I'm not going to send it him at work but wait for him to get home and let him read it because I know if I try saying it all I'll just get overly emotionally and nothing will get sorted. Do you think it's too much? Would you say it? I just need some help I have tried everything and I don't know if I'm been too soft, too harsh or what. I hate confruntation and I'll do anything for an easy life that's why we have ended up here because I never say no iv had enough but I just can't do it anymore. I'm depressed I have given up everything for him and I just need help. Anyway this is what I wrote any and all advise is needed even if you think I'm been a baby and need to get a grip I would rather you tell me and me do just that then it all blow up in my face. This is what I wrote? 
I'm only going to say this once and then I will never bring it up again. Im done trying to have this conversation so I'm saying what I need to say giving it some time and if nothing changes I'm done. Either we make this better or I'm walking away. I love you more than life itself but I can't keep feeling like its a one way street. I know what your going to say. Well you always push me away and never want sex. well guess what half the time I don't even fell like your girlfriend anymore so why would I. We have this conversation and then I make an effort and we're close and we have sex or mess around but then nothing else changes except you buy me something or spend money on me thinking that will make everything better. I spend all my time looking after the baby, growing a baby and making sure I try my best to have things done so you don't have to worry after work. And what do I get in return? You ignore me when I'm talking to you. You spend all your free time doing anything but interact with me and then get annoyed when I'm begging for any sort of attention. I ask for attention, a kiss, a cuddle even just a conversation and get nothing, but when you want sex or a blow job You expect me to just be in the mood. And yes I'm far from perfect and I do push you away and I am childish because I get stubborn and think why should I give you what you want when you want it when I'm here feeling this way and I tell you how I feel and it just makes it 100x worse because let's face it how would you feel if you told me how lonely and unwanted you felt just for nothing to change and you to think wow I was right I'm a complete waste of space that's just here to annoy them all. I want us to work so badly and at the moment I'm worried that's all that's keeping us together you could be ready to leave for all I know because we never communicate. We never even sit together. We don't cuddle in bed. We don't hold hands or play fight or any of the stuff we use to do and I don't know if it's because your comfortable and just don't think about it or if your just not interested any more. I don't know what needs to happen but something has to change before we're past the point of sorting this. I just don't have the energy to fight anymore. I'm going to be having another baby soon and that's only going to make things harder and as things are at the moment I don't think we will still be together long with a new baby if things don't change now. And the though of that brakes my heart. I always though when I had my own family I'd feel loved and important and the complete opposite to how I felt growing up but right now I just feel lonely and depressed and irrelevant. Anyway I can promise you will never get another message or note or anything like this again because this is the last time I bring it up, it's the last time a scream out for attention and it's the last time I ask for anything because after this I give up if things don't change then all my attention will be on the kids and I'll stop trying to force you to do anything you clearly don't want to do. I can't make it any plainer I'm not pussy footing around it anymore this is how I feel this is what needs to happen.