Inheritance not being given to me/ 36+1 weeks pregnant

So my uncle passed away a few months ago. Before he passed he had a 2005 mustang gto that he wanted me to have. Well my mom inherited all his probably bkuz she was his sole surviving family member and he unfortunately did not complete his will before he passed. She knew he wanted me to have this car. He would let me drive it often when we went to his ranch. Well needless to say my family was not happy my mom inherited everything and people caught so she disbursed things as she thought was right. I thought considering the circumstances she was doing a good job at that..... Until..... She decided she did not want me to have the mustang she wants to keep it. She has 4 other cars she has kept to herself. I'm 36+1 weeks pregnant and my vehicle just flopped so I thought PERFECT! I asked her for it and she flat out told me no she even admits she knew my uncle wanted me to have the vehicle but she doesn't want to "get rid" of it. I'm so sad that I've been the only one who stuck by all her decisions regarding his death and she won't do the one thing we knew he actually wanted. Is that selfish of me? 😪😪😪😪