Mother rant

So lately I have been feeling really down I feel like whenever I step in the house my mom has something rude to say she always seems disappointed in me like recently I got a job that I work 6:00-10:00 on school nights and longer hours on weekends I thought she would be proud but now she complains about "oh you have to drive that far" or "you never spend time with the family" but whenever I do I just get comments on anything they can think of to tear me down one time my boyfriend paid to fill my gas tank and my mom complained saying he doesn't need to be paying for that I mean I understand but he offered to and she won't give me any money so I wasn't going to ask her I'm 16 and just feel so unwelcomed in my house I don't know how to make it better I tried talking to her but then she goes back to me being irresponsible sorry I just needed to rant :/