No pictures of the baby to be posted until all family sees her!

I told my boyfriend this yesterday and he totally understands. I want both families to be able to see her before pictures get posted online. The only person we think is going to have a problem with this is his grandmother. She is always all about posting things on Facebook and sharing news. She even rushed me into posting the news that we were expecting on Facebook. I wasn't ready (had totally planned on doing it that day, just not at that exact moment) and she kept texting me asking when I was going to post it so she could post something as well. Being annoyed, I did it just to get her off my back. I don't really care how she feels about the whole no posting pictures online until families sees her because the way I see it is that she has made it 100% clear she will be in the waiting room while I'm in labor, making sure that she will be one of the first to see the baby but I also know that that isn't going to be the case with others. For example, my brother and sister in law both work full time jobs and I don't expect them to drop what they're doing to be up there and I wouldn't want them to either. I know that labor can go on for hours therefore to be honest, I don't really want anyone waiting around. Along with my grandparents and my grandma, I don't want them sitting up at the hospital if they don't need to be. I know that if I needed them they would be there in a heartbeat. I just am not looking forward to telling my boyfriends grandmother our plan. 🙃