She's the first girl I like - need advice

Elaine • 😌

I met her at the orchard where I work and started to have feelings for her a couple days before she went back home to her town. Before she left we spent a night together cuddling, kissing and talking until the next morning. She let me know she was going back home because she'd promised a girl she was interested in that she'd go back before August 24th. I wished her luck and she left. I thought that was the end of it but we kept talking, got to know each other and I opened up to her which is something very hard for me to do.

The girl she was interested in had found someone else that she liked so she got rejected and we just kept talking. A week later I could notice myself getting attached because I couldn't go a day without talking to her. We skype for hours each day and made plans to see each other again next year. She's 19 and I'm 21 so I'm a bit more mature when it comes to relationships and have no baggage where she has enough baggage to fill an airport. Exes are her best friend, an ex she'd go back to immediately if given the chance, etc. I knew what I was getting into but my emotions were already invested. Now we're in week 3 and the girl who had rejected her came back because her relationship didn't work out.

I haven't asked what she wanted or what the text messages are about because I feel like I'll go crazy if my love interest starts to ask my for advice about this girl again. I'm willing to put off relationships for a year for this girl but I'm so scared of getting hurt. I already get jealous when she speaks about other girls she finds attractive but to know that she was so interested in this girl to plan her trip around her seriously scares me. I don't know what to do or where to go from here. She knows something is bothering me because I'm having trouble keeping a conversation with her now but I don't want to seem petty if I bring up this subject. Help?!