Crazy coincidence and my infertility.

Momofboys • mom of 3 on earth and twins in heaven.. due 4/28/17 after 13 months of infertility..
I have never had easy, good fertility. I had my Son after almost 2 years of trying to conceive. After him, it took about 8 months and i got pregnant but i mc twins at 13 weeks (they only measured 7) on August 4 2014. I started cramping July 30 and my babies were born and went to heaven August 4. I was blessed with my rainbow baby I conceived the next cycle, and this was mainly bc my hormones were still very high from my mc, and found out September 2. He was born may 3 2015 and is perfect. I wanted another baby and at my 6 week pp checkup my Dr said I was healed nicely and I could try. I didn't start trying until the beginning of July and had no luck thru April this year unexplained infertility. I saw my Dr and in may he prescribed me clomid. The first 2 50mg cycles I took cd3-7 were nothing but heartbreak. I begged my Dr for one more cycle while I was waiting for my RE appt and he agreed, but I took it cd5-9 instead. I was pretty discouraged so I did very little to monitor my cycle only took a few opks this month when I knew I was getting close to O bc of ovary pain. I ovulated around Aug 4 or 5 this month. The same date my twins went to heaven. The day before I ovulated we went to eat and a little girl that is the daughter of the owner brought our check and fortune cookies over and handed me a package with 2 perfect fortune cookies in it instead of the usual 1 cookie. I was sad that day bc of the date and it was very emotional to see those 2 perfect little cookies . I found out on Aug 15 I am pregnant and I immediately went to my Grams grave to tell her, and in front of her gravestone there are 2 little mushrooms growing. There were no mushrooms anywhere else in sight! I buried my babies ashes w my gram when she died in March 2015. Anyways, this is almost all probably coincidental. But has made me look at the possibility of religion differently. I am still very scared bc although my beta has been doubling it is still on the low end of the spectrum. But I had to share my story here as I am not telling any one in my life until I am past 13 weeks.. I am 5w1d today. ❤👣👣