My story is very short and sweet

My story is very short and sweet.😊 I was 38 weeks exactly yesterday and had been at 1cm and 30% for a week so I decided to go to the beach and walk while I still can. Little did I know that was all it took to break my water. Went to the beach at 7pm, water broke at 9ish. Unfortunately my water broke in the car 😳😳😱😱 super gross by the way haha. I went home to grab my bag and shower because I felt wicked gross. My mom drove to the hospital 35 minutes away and it was the longest 35 minutes of my life 😂 I got there about 11pm had an epidural at 12 and was only 3cm BARLEY when I was check. At 3am they came back and I was already at an 8 and started pushing at 310am. I had him 13 minutes later 😍😍 and he is beyond perfect.