I need help advice as a Latina

Ok I hear jokes all my life about Mexicans. I'm a Latina and I feel like crying I'm so vulnerable. I have been discriminated and I'm so tired of it.

I'm tired of people picking me from the crowd and being mean.

I was told welcome to America in front of an entire classroom because he thought I was a Mexican that crossed the border illegally. I'm a citizen born here. Latina not Mexican.

I was breastfeeding my baby, a woman approached me said I can't breastfeed in a public place. This is illegal woman can breastfeed any public place. (Maybe not racist but offensive to me).

All my life people treat me like I can never amount to anything besides looking pretty. I don't know if it's a thing towards women. I'm so tired of dealing with mean nasty people.

I went to a buffet and some overweight guy with overweight family approached me and said I was a piggy because I had gotten a plate of food.

Does he really think this is okay then he said don't feel bad I'm a pig too and grabbed his gut. Meanwhile his overweight daughter's are chowing down ribs. I'm healthy weight so why was he so rude.

I'm tired of comments like I'm proud you speak English. I want cheese in Spanish making fun saying I want taco bell because I walked by .

I'm tired of being racially profiled and followed while shopping.

I hate those mean angry disgusted looks from people.

How do you Defend yourself or protect yourself from these people.

I called the owner of the place that told me that I can't breastfeed by an employee and he had such a mean ugly attitude. I don't know what to do

I wish I could defend myself or know what to say

If you ladies know a lawyer what can I do

In this life how do you ladies succeed even though there are mean people. Racist or Not. How do you ladies handle hate stress bad or a tough time