My body makes me want to cry

I was never skinny and three babies later I probably never will be. As a kid, it never bothered me being fat until it bothered everyone else. I grew up with the normal of every day hearing,

"You're fat."

"You're ugly."

"You're gross."

I know. The thing nobody tell you as a kid, though? If you're still fat by the time you're 20, you're in for an entire adulthood of being wrecked. Its not cute anymore, not that it ever was--but the fact is, that people never stop telling you that you're fat, ugly, and gross...they just keep coming up with more clever ways to do it without being *too* much of an asshole. Upfront. Real talk.

And now, pregnancy.

My body is the bane of my fucking existence, solidly.

I've got flaps and rolls and folds and gaps.

And a bump? Cute. Not.

No maternity pictures here.

I wouldn't dare plague society with pictures of myself strewn about saying "LOOK, THERE'S A BABY UNDER THAT FAT, SOMEWHERE!"

Who the fuck would want to see that?

And the hanging flabby piece of shit that hangs off my bump thanks to my last c-section? Nice touch.

I don't even let my husband touch my belly, I am so miserable and uncomfortable and ugly. Reading glow for support and realizing its not just you, but the whole world that hates fat people.

Oh you work in the medical field? Guess that means you have a badge that acts as a license to tell people how horrible and unacceptable it is to be fat.

"I'm a nurse, obese people are [insert stereotype here]..."

"Overweight women can't feel their baby move."

"I work at a doctor's office, and every time we get an overweight person..."

Wow. You would think the way fat people are treated, it ACTUALLY affects other peoples lives.

Let me tell you something: I hate my body.

Now let me ask you something: Why do YOU hate my body???

From the playground, to the classroom, to the workplace to the fucking doctors office--WHY do people who are not overweight feel so offended and affected by how OTHER people look? I get when someone is too obese to walk, or do for themselves...but someone who is for the most part regular, just heavier--why hate that? Why judge?

Honestly, you fatophobes should make like a racist pre-2016 and hide yourselves. We hate ourselves enough, thanks very much.