Teen mom 2nd baby announcement?

So I am 18 about to be 19 in October and I just found out I'm pregnant again. This was just 3 months after my son was stillborn at 34 weeks. At that point both me and my boyfriends family's had excepted/ came to terms with the pregnancy and we were all very excited for our beautiful baby boy to arrive. Whenever we found out we wouldn't be able to be with him on earth, we were all devastated beyond belief. After everything happened, we decided to look at it as a way to get our lives together before having another baby. However God had other plans for us, and although the loss is still fairly new, we are very excited and want to celebrate our rainbow baby by announcing to our family and close friends in a positive, beautiful, and exciting way. Instead of telling them with hesitation like we did with our last pregnancy. We are so excited and happy and want to share that happiness with the people we love and care about. I'm just not sure if doing this is insensitive and inconsiderate to the people who care about us. Has anyone been in the same situation? Not nessisarily a teen pregnancy, but one where it was frowned apon? Any comments would be so incredibly helpful as I am very conflicted on what we should do