The birth of my second little boy was a such crazy but amazing experience


The birth of my second little boy was a such crazy but amazing experience! I had been having contractions on and off for a couple of days but nothing that made me want to go to the hospital since I had been sent home twice already(uti irritating my uterus). I had my weekly ob appointment that morning(1pm Tuesday the 23rd). I had a few contractions that day and when I was checked I was between 4 or 5cm dialated and 75% efaced. My Dr was leaving for vacation the next morning and I live an hour away from the hospital. I had gone pretty quickly with my first son so they decided to send me for a non stress test just to see if anything was progressing. After being admitted and monitored for almost an hour they called my ob to see what he thought since I was having good contractions and baby was very reactive but they didn't think I was in active labor just yet. My Dr decided to have me up and walking/active until his office closed at 4:30 to give them more time to watch me. So my fiance, 4 year old and I made a few laps around labor and delivery, until my Dr. came at 5pm. When they checked me I had progressed slightly and was having more consistent contractions about every 4 minutes so they decided to keep me and that it was go time. They planned on possibly using pitocin to help my contractions build but put me back on the monitors with an iv for a while while I filled out paperwork and went over my birth plan. I had an epidural with my son but was hoping to go without this time around. My contractions where getting closer, about 2 minutes apart and growing slightly stronger so they threw the pitocin idea out the window. I was able to get up and walk a few laps and spend some time on a birthing ball which really seemed to help things progress. When checked at about 8:30pm I was surprised I was still at about 5cm, though very thin. My Dr suggested breaking my water and so we went with that. I will say it definitely helped! Everything became so intense and I was trying a few positions in bed along with breathing to see what helped. I was on my knees leaning towards the back of the bed which really made everything intense. I was trying so hard but eventually lost myself to the pain for a couple of contractions. I started to feel a lot of pressure so the nurse had me lay down and checked. 6cm. The pain was a bit much so they were trying to start pain meds through my IV. I Maybe 3 or 4 really strong contractions later I had the uncontrollable urge to push. I felt like he was right there but the nurse didn't believe me because she had just checked a moment before when I was 6cm. It was to the point where I could not stop my body from doing what it wanted to do and in my head I got so scared I was going to tear something if I wasn't dialated enough. I told her it started to burn and she was so shocked. "Your buldging, the baby is right there!" She told the other nurse to page my Dr. who was at home right across the street. A few strong pushes later and he was here! Delivered by the nurse... Little baby Lyric! 7lbs 4oz and 19in of cuteness! 30 minutes from when they broke my water! Next came the placenta - the Dr still hadn't arrived and my pain meds didn't even kick in. When my Dr. finally showed up he was surprised to see baby on my chest. He knew I went fast last time but didn't think I'd go that quickly. I was checked and cleaned up, thankfully no tearing. The nurse joked that I was her first as she placed little Lyric back in my arms. They said I was the cleanest delivery in a while as they didn't even have a chance to set everything up to get it all bloody, etc.

It really was an incredible experience! I was scared and wondering why in the world I could do it without an epidural but I made it through and am glad I did. I wouldn't have had time for one anyhow! So glad to have baby here, it feels like it was all a dream!