Rough pregnancy 😣😣😣

Man I used to find telemarketers so annoying and wonder why they never take no for an answer but with my ex refusing to help with the pregnancy and having to drop out of school it's the only job I could get until I have the baby and can get my degree. I now realize that they don't take no for an answer because they're told to keep using their rebuttals and can lose their jobs if they don't. I don't like this job and it's only $3.50 an hour so I have to work overtime. All these people screaming at me while I'm already so emotional from being pregnant only makes me cry more 😣😣😣😣

On behalf of telemarketers everywhere, we're really sorry, but we're just trying to make ends meet. Don't scream at us and threaten to kill us.

I'm just very emotional. Sorry.