Problem after Problem in Pregnancy


Firstly sorry for the rant!!

So I have always wanted to be a mother, I love kids however 6 years ago doctors told me we would not be able to fall naturally due to severe endometriosis and scar tissue. This was the most challenging time of my life and relationship with my husband. Anyway fast forward and two weeks after our wedding we find out I am pregnant, to say we were both in shock is an understatement, happiness cannot even describe how we felt. Fast forward to now currently 12weeks I have been diagnosed with hyperemesis, hyperthyroidism still untreated and most recently a week long stay in hospital with multiple tests that diagnosed a small clot in the brain the symptoms mimicked that of a stroke at the time currently just have a wicked bad headache and am on bed rest until it resolves. I am still over the moon to be pregnant but finding myself doubting my ability to get through the next 6 months. Im hoping things get better and its smooth sailing from here. Just feeling like nothing is going to plan and its really getting me down 😧