Boyfriend (whatever is happening here)

Daezhane • 29 years old, Mummy to an angel.. Courtney 30.03.2015 💔🌥
I just needed to vent! Me and my partner checked into a hotel on Sunday 28th Aug 16 and after a short while he fell asleep. I feel asleep because I was bored, later he woke up and jumped in the bed I felt his 🍆 and he wanted to have sex. I was resistant as I feel he only wants me when he cannot have me. It got late and we both fell asleep I have woken up Monday 29th Aug 16 to see him sleeping on the furthest end of the bed not facing me there was a huge gap inbetween us.
I feel he's going off me, I even hate me. I hate feeling like this but I just need to know, he didn't even want to lay next to me, what am I doing to make him feel so distant.
I know he will wake up and demand some tea.
Yesterday was the first time we had sex in 2 weeks and he knows AF was meant to start today but I'm a day late.
I know my period will come because I'm unlucky and all I ever get is bad luck.
Nothing good ever happens and I feel like we are drifting apart, we barely have sex, don't talk properly and when we do have sex it takes him decades to cum (maybe because I repluse him).
Laying here next to the love of my life and I couldn't feel more alone!!!!