You DON'T always know....


Today is my due date!!! Woohoo right?! Well I woke up this morning still pregnant! I was cranky and moody with my husband all morning. I just knew today was not my day.

Due to my GD I have weekly NSTs even though it is super borderline and my sugar is never high. So this mornings test was going just about the same, I was having contractions but they weren't painful just crampy. Turns out they were 2 minutes apart! So the midwife rushes in and asks if I want to be checked and stripped if possible. Sure! Couldn't hurt right?! I was 5 cm and 80% effaced!!!! What???? There is no way! I have been at 2 cm for weeks and I feel totally fine. We'll she gave me the option to go home and get my stuff (and hubby) but told to return within the hour. Now here I am all hooked up and ready to have a baby!! So NO ladies.... you don't always know when you are in active labor. Use caution and if something feels off then it is perfectly acceptable to get checked out. Happy laboring!!!