I'm so amazed...

My husband and I got married six months ago this month, and three months into our marriage he went through a vasectomy reversal surgery. 
From the moment we got married, I immediately had a burning desire to be a mother. I had never really been able to picture myself being a mom before then, and suddenly it was such an intense desire that would not go away. We knew the realities of a reversal, that it could take 6 months to a year (or possibly even longer) to conceive, depending on how well the surgery worked and how well the sperm count went up. I couldn't wrap my head around it taking half a year, to a full year, I wanted to be pregnant so badly and have a baby before next summer. I knew it was very unlikely. We started trying in July (last month, a month after his surgery). Understandably nothing happened. But I had a special feeling about this month that I couldn't shake. I began praying and really believing God for a crazy miracle. At some points my husband and I both felt selfish for asking for that big of a blessing so soon, when we already had so many other things happen recently that were such huge blessings. (A new house & new job) but, something kept telling me to not quit praying and believing for it. I heard a sermon recently where the pastor challenged us to aggressively pursue Gods power for any situation where we want to see him move, and that we need to ask him and contend for it. I put that sermon to use this month. Two days ago, it was Saturday night (4 days before this app says my period is due) and I was reading a story in the announcements section I think, one of the women had finally gotten their positive and decided to test a day earlier than Glow recommended (4 days before her period was due). I had a funny feeling after reading it... and I said to myself "don't get yourself all excited, it's so early after the surgery, it's just so unlikely". Well I ended up getting up off the couch and running to Wal Mart for some Early Response tests. My heart was beating so fast while I was driving, and I prayed one last time "God please, I aggressively pursue your power for this miracle, do an amazing thing inside of me now, but if it's not your timing I'm still gonna trust you and have faith". I grabbed the tests and hurried home. I rushed into my bathroom, and was so shaky that I accidentally blasted pee everywhere when I peed on the stick 😳
 I quickly set it on the counter and attempted to clean the mess up, and after a minute or so I worked up the courage to grab the stick and take a look.... I saw a line. An actual line. Not an Evap line. A faint pink line that was getting darker over the course of a few minutes. I couldn't believe my eyes. I started tearing up, hyperventilating, and laughing all at once. I couldn't stop saying "oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh" and "thank you Jesus!" I was so amazed and could not wait to tell my husband. I was also in such shock. My husband and I both were, it took until today for it to really start kicking in for us haha! I confirmed earlier this morning with a digital test, and later my husband texted me "Can you believe you're pregnant?!!??" 
I know my story may annoy some people. I know that there's countless women on here that have been trying for years to conceive. I by no means want to cause anyone any kind of hurt, like I'm bragging about getting pregnant so quick. It's truly a miracle and I want to encourage others. By posting this story, I wanted it to be a testimony of what God can do. Whether you're a Christian or not, I want everyone to know the power of prayer and that God can meet you wherever you're at in life and move for you. He wants to not only bless you, but he wants to change your life and give you a fresh beginning. He can forgive you, and heal you, and do miracles in your life. All you have to do is talk to him. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story! God Bless!