I'm either pregnant, having the worst PMS symptoms ever, or psyching myself out.

LADIES, before you got your BFP, did you have these symptoms?:
Peeing every hour on the hour 
Early morning insomnia (I keep waking up around 4:45am and CANNOT go back to sleep)
Lower back pain
Breast growth (suddenly, I can't fit any of my bras)
Fluctuating body temperature (hot, cold, hot, cold) 
Hunger but no appetite 
Feeling like you need to poop constantly, but every time you sit down NOTHING happens (so frustrating) 
White creamy odorless discharge 
Sudden acne 
Wanting to nap all the time, but can never fall asleep as soon as you lay down 
Also, I've noticed I can't remember/keep track of anything lately. I'm very organized typically, but the past couple weeks, nothing ever seems to be where I thought it was (weird observation, I know, but I'm never disorganized like this 🙄)
Super emotional past couple weeks, and honestly a little paranoid. FOR NO REASON! 
Itchy nipples 
Can't seem to catch my breath the last few days 
I know this is a long list, but I just feel WEIRD this past week. Anyone else that can relate? Share your weird symptoms!