Bye Bye Breastfeeding

So I have decided that it is officially time to wean my two year old from breastfeeding. for the most part I have weened her from daytime feeding, but she has been spoiled to having it throughout the night, almost as a paci, when she needs to go back to sleep. This was something I started back when she was first born because it made it easier for this mama to get some sleep. But now it has come back to bite me in the butt because I never get to sleep for more than a couple hours at a time and me and my hubby do not have a bed to ourselves. Because of the extra stress it's causing I decided it's not worth it anymore to continue if I am getting frustrated. So last night was our first night with no Baba, as she calls it, and I have to say I am an emotional wreck. She woke up fine and only woke up a couple times in the middle of night sad. But I feel like an emotional wreck and my breasts are very sore because they are getting too full. Does anyone else have any advice or comments or words of encouragement? I feel like I am saying goodbye to a major part of myself and that my boobs are now worthless and it's making me feel worthless. But I know this sadness is needed because the stress I've had from breastfeeding the last couple months far outweighs my sadness. Any encouragement or advise would be much appreciated! Thanks!