Bad Love 😢

So there's this guy I met a few weeks ago and I really like him. I've seen him a few times before then and we'd always make eye contact and stare into each other's souls. When we finally reached out to each other it was amazing, a fairytale feeling that I haven't had since high school. So of course I wanted to hold on to this feeling, we kissed, we did a little more and about a week later he tells me he has a girlfriend. Normally I would just cut someone off. Even though he's telling me the truth he wasn't truthful in the beginning. He should've been told me this! But he goes on to say how he doesn't want to lose me and how he wants me... But when I asked him about her, they're still trying to work things out. I told him he can't have his cake and eat it too but for some reason I can't seem to let it go. My heart hurts and I feel so stupid. Maybe there isn't such a thing as fairytale love anymore. Maybe I'll never find someone I feel passionate about, because it always ends up with me getting hurt for caring too much.Â