Transverse baby is killing me!!!

I'm 33 weeks exactly and baby is most definitely lying transverse.  The thing is she was head down and very low in my pelvis at 31 week ultrasound...dr confirmed optimal position for birth and sure enough I could feel her hiccups in my crotch.  Then a few nights ago I had a strong contraction and baby started shifting like crazy.  Next thing I know her butt is poking out on the left and her head is jammed into my right hip.  I'm very petite and pretty much don't have the room across my belly for her to be lying like's distorted my entire stomach not too mention it's very uncomfortable.  She wiggles so much you can see every motion and I can't imagine it's comfortable for her either.  I'm afraid cause when she turned sideways it was quite painful and I an only imagine it will be very painful for her to turn back as well.  Of course I'm hoping to God she turns sooner rather than later.  I'm 100% opposed to csec and would rather them manually turn her if necessary. I know I still have time but meanwhile it's so disconcerting her lying like this!  Anyone else struggling with a transverse baby in the 3rd trimester??  Since she was head down how likely do you think she'll be to turn back that way?