Why won't he be my boyfriend?

So I've been talking to a guy since August 17, 2015. Before that we played video games online for two years. He lives in California and I live in Arkansas, and we have never met in person. When we finally started talking, he called it "dating", he started telling me that he loved me and how much he cared about me. I started saying it back. It's been over a year now and all we are is talking/dating and playing video games together still. We text, talk on the phone, snapchat, and play games. We've not video chatted before. I've mentioned it before and he said yes, but we never did. He is sweet 85% of the time. lol. I know he cares for me because he shows concern for me. He doesn't like me texting and driving and refuses to text me if he knows I'm driving, he asks how I am almost every day, he shows concern for my kids (ages 5 & 6) especially when they are sick, and he knows how to make me smile and feel better when I'm sad or I cry. He makes me feel special. But there is one thing that I don't get. Out of all of this, why won't he be my boyfriend? Why won't he make it official?🙁