Asking him out??! Help!!

Jen • Going on to Suffolk then..Somewhere else! Hopefully abouta start studying psychology and see what I could do with that☺️
Okay so I went out with this guy I love right? Some altercations came up and I had to take a break from life basically. He said if we're gonna make it official again, I should be be the one to ask him out because I wanted to go back out on his birthday and I'm broke usually so he said it'd be a perfect gift for him. Now when we first went out I asked him out then too cause he thought asking out a chick was too cliché and I didn't mind it really. But the thing was that when I asked him out sure it was special and I got flustered and kept blushing, but this time when I ask him out I wanted to go all out. I have a few things in mind that are significant to our relationship but I just have no idea what to really do to make it as special as I want it to be. Any advice? He's super special to me and I really wanted to show that to him this way