Gain weight mainly in belly area

So ladies, I have always been very weight conscious. Not the skinniest but pretty conscious since everyone in my family is on the heavier side. I am  5'4" and I weigh around 128lbs. I m 7 week pregnant and I am just afraid I am going to become a gigantic balloon looking figure as pregnancy progresses. Please don't get me wrong. I am really excited to be a mom and carry my child but since my family doesn't really have the skinny genes, I m a bit nervous. I see pictures of some ladies on this site who look amazing and all belly. Can you please give some advice on how to ensure that the weight gain is only healthy and mainly in the belly area during pregnancy? Would really appreciate that!
Edit: just want to add that I workout about 5 times a week and eat pretty healthy. I am looking for some specific excercise routine and food which helped the mommy's who seem to be glowing all during their pregnancy :)