August was my worst month ever.

Meranda • 1/5/13💜 7/12/17💜
So beginning of the month I had to have all 4 wisdom teeth removed and I had a hard time healing still have a knot in my jaw from it. I was on antibotics for a week from that. Then almost two weeks ago my period was suppose to start so got excited that maybe I was finally pregnant. Well I realized that it was due to being on antibotics. Then about a week ago a developed a polinodial cyst on my tailbone. I got put back on antibotics for it and have been in a lot of pain it finally started draining yesterday, but it's been no fun and gross. So now being back on antibotics I feel I'll never get my period now. PLUS side September will hopefully be better. We finally have a infertitly appointment with our dr in September  it took way longer than necessary to even get this appointment so I am praying things will finally start getting better and no more health problems and we finally can get our bfp