Aggravated (Rant Warning)


I hope y'all are having a better start to the day than I am. Neighbors on the corner were fighting over a ride to work. Baseball bat and all. Had my phone out to call the police if those red neck inbreds got too out of hand, but damage was done. Anxiety is through the roof and I'm holding it together so I don't have to take my anxiety pill (i can't function in klonopin).

On top of that, my way to the campus (a small town bus system that is 25$ per month) decided to change my Thursday pickup time from 7:05 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. without consulting me like they guarantee all those who use their services. I'm outside freezing my butt off for basically no reason (it is 70 degrees here and I'm cold unless it's 85 or above).

I sincerely mean it when I say I hope your day is better than mine. Not a great start to an already long day!