
Name a reason youll ever abort a baby.. 
My story is.. 
I'm not ready for this.. And everyone's against me. I don't want to put my child into the wrong hands of a mother that doesn't want anything to do with them nor feels any love connection against it.. I don't want to carry a baby I have no love for for 9 months just to give it up for adoption.. I need advice.. I know my mistakes shouldn't blame this poor innocent child, but I want my child to be loved.. Feel loved.. Know it's loved.. And I'm not that person 😢  Now I'm a horrible slut.. Yup that's what people are calling me. 
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Posted at
I have never experienced this. However, you did what you needed to for yourself at this moment in time and that is ok. Don't listen to those other people. You are not a horrible person. Something happened and you did the best you could for yourself. If these people are getting to you and you have a feeling of depression, please speak to someone. There are many people out there willing to listen and not judge you. I am sorry you are going though this.Now, you will get a lot of hate on this post. Ignore it or delete the post. It's not worth it to read those comments.


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It's your life and this has to be your decision. It is nobody's business but your own. I'm sorry people are vocalizing their thoughts on your choice because it has nothing to do with them. Stay strong girl xo


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I wouldnt unless I was going to die or baby was shortly after birth or had a condition where he would suffer for the short amount of time they did live. But that being said I dont judge anyone else if they have one, I dont think it should be used as contraception, like some women just don't use birth control and get an abortion to get rid of it, I think that's wrong but It's not my body and I have no right to make another person feel bad over my beliefs.


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I did at 18 (12 years ago). I was just starting college, with a guy that was just out of a technical college-about to start paying back loans and attempting his trade. I knew he was freaked out about his and my future. He told me he didn't want to struggle and be a dad so young. I completely understood. I even had plans for grad school (which I'm going to defend in spring 2017) and knew I couldn't imagine spending my ENTIRE life with him. We got through it, we're off and on another 3 years.I don't regret it at all. He just had his first child last night with his girlfriend, and I am due in December with my husband of 5 years. We both are so sincerely happy that we could postpone until we were ready and with our life-partners.


Posted at
Oh Hun, don't let the haters get to you! You are doing what you feel is best for you and the baby. I don't blame not judge you at all! You are a strong warrior, and only you can know what choice is the correct one for you! 💗❤️💕


Kaycee • Sep 3, 2016
*blame nor judge


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If it was going to risk me and the babies life. I would personally never have an abortion for any other reason HOWEVER I believe if another woman feels differently then it is her body and her right to have an abortion for whatever reason it may be.


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I had one when I was 18. I have no regrets. I did it because I wasn't ready and the guy I was seeing was very unsupportive. I am 31 now with a three year old and another one on the way.


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You are not a slut. Have you considered going to a therapist to talk about your reasons before you make your final decision? Honestly for me I am pro choice and I believe abortion is better than an unwanted baby. But alot of people on this app do not agree so prepare for some negativity. Anyway I know three people who had abortions. One thinks it was the best decision she made and has since met her new husband and had a new baby. The other two regret it on different levels. If you think you won't love this baby because of how you feel now I can assure you that's not true. Not everyone feels an instant bond with pregnancy, heck not everyone feels a bond even when baby is born but trust me it will come.If you do decide to abort please make sure you are ready and you have fully considered every other option. And don't let anyone tell you any decision is wrong you do what's right for you and your life and your emotions xx


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I would abort if I felt the baby wasn't going to be wanted. I couldn't give it a proper life. 


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I did it at 17 and I'm now 19 but I did it because I wasn't working, was really heavy into softball, and one day the dad just up and left me for good because I was freaking out over my hormones (he wanted to go home to his house 3 days early from Christmas, alone, to bake cookies with his mother.. But told me he was going to stay with me through Christmas and we'd go to his house Christmas Eve and then come back to my house after we were done at his house). But now I'm 19, happily married, and a mommy to a beautiful baby girl. My thoughts on abortion is its okay if you have a good reason, and if you don't have any kids yet. But now having a daughter, I could never have an abortion. Because why doesn't that baby get to live and be born, now that my daughter is here. Plus babies have nothing to offer but unconditional love and she is the biggest blessing of my entire life alongside my husband.