Help please? Sorry its a longer post!

This is long but PLEASE read through it, i was trying to be detailed.

Okay... I am not sure what is going on, or what to think right now. According to glow I ovulate mid cycle (as per normal). I know I ovulate within days of my period though, and use glow more for tracking symptoms and such.

I do currently need help figuring out what to do. Since mid month of august, I have had a lot of watery cm, almost identical to when I ovulate, except this varies in amount day to day. I came off birth control at the start of my last period and usually am near like clockwork for my cycle. Glow says friday is start date but before birth control, and even after birth control (I took it in past) my cycle usually started with no delay by the 5th.

For past week or so I have felt like im going to start any moment, this feeling is also accompanied by the unexpected hits of nausea, sore and swollen breasts, bloating, and fatigue. I know this is usually associated with pms but its a heck of a lot more vicious than im use to.

Please does anyone have any idea what could be going on?