
I'm currently 9dpo. I've been having very sore nipples which have been more intense than I'm used to. My boobs seem bigger and I've been having very light cramps.  On Tuesday I wiped and found a very light pink color...and that was it. So I thought it was IB. Wednesday was in the clear. This morning I wipe and there's a rusty color...not much though. An hour later and there's nothing.   I don't know what to believe anymore!! I hope it's not AF. A nice person on here told me that even if it is AF, it's too soon to have and can impact the implantation timing. I went off birth control in May and my cycle has been pretty regular with the exception of this month in which it came a week early and lasted 12 days. 
I don't even know what I'm asking. I'm just confused and need to vent! :(