Yeah I think I am done with Glow for a while too

Michelle ★★★ • My Rainbow Baby is here! healthy and strong!

UPDATE: Sooo today at my office visit, the doc checked my cervix again. I am still 2 cm dialated but I am now 60% effaced and Brennen has dropped down further to a -1 station. Here is the convo I had with my doc.

Dr: did you have an ultrasound last week.

Me: No. Just a cervix check

Dr: Well, let's go ahead and schedule you one for next week.....that is if you are still pregnant by next Thursday.

Ish got real, real quick at that moment! Brennen will be here real soon!

I am pulling away from Glow for a while as well. The BLM post is what threw me over the edge. So much ignorance and misinformation being spread. I am blue in the face and i am done. I will be having my baby in a weekn or so and I have better things to do than try to babysit and monitor for hateful posts. I am so done.