rant about my life

Hi there  I'm 24 I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant with a boy  . We love him dearly and I want to keep him but my mom and grandma have made it hard it for me to be able too keep him I'm stuck with living with them as hard finding a place in my budget I only get 733$ a month and All my money goes towards rent my boyfriend does work but when he gets paid his money goes straight to the bill once again because they think it's fair to us to pay for everything my grandma is the one in the house who's the only one to just blow her money on what ever she has Netflix,wwe, gamehouse YouTube red and plus What ever she want she gets it I can't even buy things for my baby without getting bitch out one the room mate short us ever month and my grandma just tells its okay and he only has to pay 200 our rent her is $915 cable and lights are 250 each plus water/swear/n garbage is $75 my grandma gets 1,758  but she is now change me $750 plus $215 each month because she wants more spending money for her fucking self so now I'm force to give my son up for adoption because they have made it impossible for me to take care of my self n my baby before all this we were fine but we had to move due to a landlord being a dick