I didn't sign up to be a single parent.

I've been holding my tongue because people can be so judgemental and I don't want to put my son's dad in a bad light even though he deserves to be there. 😒 We were together 2 years before I got pregnant. I'd known him for 3 years. It was definitely a surprise for the both of us. This is my first baby and his 4th. There's a 7 year age gap between us. I was excited and he was definitely not. He started being very controlling. Which i ignored thinking he was just being protective. Then his family got involved. His mom found out I was pregnant and threw a fit (she favors his ex). She's never liked me because of the age gap. That and it almost seems like she's threatened by me. Why, I don't know. I've always been very respectful to her. But she went on and on about how all I know how to do is khari on my back and I should be more like his ex (literally what she told me). That led to he and I breaking up. Which resulted in an epic break down. I moved 2 hours away to live with my mom. And haven't moved back since. It's been 5 months now. But I'm upset with him because he hasn't made any appointments or called to check in on the baby, nothing. But now that I'm almost 7 months pregnant he thinks he gets to have a say about the birth plan or the baby's name. I can't believe I actually loved this man at one point. I would've done anything for him. He always talked about having a baby together and when it happens,he disappeared. It's so unfair. Everything is so hard. I know it's possible but I feel like I was trapped. I wasn't ready for a baby. Definitely not ready to be a single parent.