Pretty sure our nurse is annoyed with me..

She came in and asked to take her for a little bit so they could test her blood because she has jaundice. I agreed and then anxiously waited up for her return.. I drifted off a little and woke up to find she had been gone for almost 3 hours. Full panic set in, couldn't breathe, instant tears. So I put on some pants and waddled my way to the nursery and asked (more like choked out) "where is my daughter?" They checked my bracelet and said to come in.. She walked back and then brought my daughter out to me.. Then my nurse shows up and she's like "I tapped your arm and you didn't wake up so we kept her" 
I was a mess.. My baby was crying, I was sobbing.. She checked her temp 3 times and let me take her back to our room.. Hasn't been back since.
I can't handle that she's capable of being taken away from me.. I want her back inside my belly so l always know where she is and that she's okay.. She's breastfed, what if she was crying because she needed me and I wasn't there? I don't know how to handle this.. I hate being away from her long enough to use the bathroom..