I Have been telling the doctors and even went to the hospital nurse and NOBODY IS HELPING ME!! So I thought 🤔❗️❕ Why not Ask My Glow Mommies! Or even If there's a doctor on here who will give it to me straight and not sugar coat things. So I have a 10 going to be 11 month old. And he cries , yells , screams ALL DAY LONG. No not just when he's hungry or need a diaper change. I'm telling about EVERYDAY ALLDAY. I don't know why. My boyfriend( his dad) thinks he's dumb and stupid. And even calls him it. But I just can't think that about my little boy. 😕 when my son wakes up from a nap or anything he Screams on the TOP of his lungs like he's being SKINNED ALIVE!!! I'm sort of giving up. I'm pregnant so hormones are strong. But I've been holding in ALOT of tears. 😔 I just want to cry everyday. And there was a day where I did ball my eyes out. I keep asking doctors and they say he's fine and there's nothing wrong and when we are at check ups he's so good. But when I'm at home. He's screaming and yelling and I'm going crazy.  Like I get the "having a baby thingy" where you don't sleep and a baby cries. I get that. But my son is taking it to a WHOLE DIFFERENT level. And my boyfriend DOESNT HELP ME AT ALL. When he cries his dad does NOTHING but wait till I Wake up! 😠 to give our son a bottle. I do most of the work. Waking up Everytime he wakes up, give him showers, feeding, he does SOME like change him and feed him 2 times. But that's not enough. And then he just blames me for him crying and screaming all day. I heard stories was teachers and doctors and people of how the dad got up to let their wives or girlfriends sleep and rest and they BE A DAD. I never get that. I want just a hour or 2 nap and I get called a lazy mom who does nothing for my son. 😞 Then on top of this I'm pregnant so now I'm scared that I'll be taking care of 2 babies by myself. My boyfriend told me a bunch of wondering things when I was pregnant with my son. How he's help and we will do this and that. I've got nothing out of this except for him being at birth like he said. Then my boyfriend got a night shift job so then all he does in come home and make us all sleep. Sorry just to vent. But if anything knows why my son cries or is experiencing the same thing PLEASE HELP ME. I need anything. Why he's crying and what do I do to make him not scream and be calm. 😔