Somebody help me please.

Ok so background story: Recently I just got a boyfriend but before him I was sexually active with the only person I've ever been with. When me and my first started having sex regularly, my period changed. It came a week after it was suppose to every month. That went on for two years. But now I have this new bf and we had sex for the first time yesterday. Safe sex of course. After sex, I went to pee and I had a burning sensation. And if that didn't throw me off enough, I stated my period today. Now I just got off my period on the 28th and I'm kinda freaking out because idk what's going on. 
Going to the doctors office is kind of out of the question because I am 17 and if my parents ever found out that I was sexually active, I would literally die. 
I don't know if it's him, me, or the condom. Can anyone please tell me what's going on or give me any insight. It would really help.