Public Nurse in Defending breastfeeding

Can you be brave enough to visit your local public places the wendys ymca the library target anywhere that's in your everyday and breastfeed. No more hiding in hot cars or bathrooms. Breastfeed while you shop if you can.

I'm tired of people treating breastfeeding as a sin.

It's food nourishment. Formula is food also so is breastmilk. Imagine being at a airport baby screaming but they don't allow water for formula or pumped milk. They say no. What do you do. This doesn't happen any more because it's common sense feeding a baby is the right thing to do.

There is a law that states in America 50 us States that you can breastfeed any place you are allowed to be and is public.

I'm tired of the hatred discrimination and women on here who say don't make it a big deal you don't understand imagine if you are formula feeding and someone comes up to you and says a bunch of negative things tells you don't feed your baby tells you to go away because you are bothering there view.

That's what is happening to mom's with covers or not. People are out there being hateful.

Please support mom's feeding babies. Please encourage the woman who are breastfeeding to continue and not be afraid

Even breastfeeding with a cover on women still are being asked to leave or breastfeed in the restoom. What would you say? If someone asked you