freaking out and confused

Ok so I'm late on my period still I think 8 days. My last period was august 2 went almost 6 days then ended. If I counted back on ovulation just from the app, "I didn't test for it" I would no only be 12 days past ovulation. On Tuesday of this last week I took a Oregon test and it was negative. Then Tuesday night I took one and it was a faint positive. Then wensday morning another faint positive then wensday night another. Then Thursday I took another it was clearly a thick line faint positive I don't think evap because all the lines are clearly blue (maybe not great in the picture but in person actually blue)  then I went to the hospital they did a blood test and pelvic exam. My cervix is closed he said that was good then told me my blood level results aren't considered positive so either I was and have miscarried or will. My breast still hurt like crazy and I'm really cranky. Today I had the finest of spotting when I wiped just really light pink and this morning I took another test and it's clearly positive so what the fuck? When I coculated on this online think it said I would have conceived the 26th and I would only be 4 w and 2d. Do you think the hcg blood was to early and the Doc was just wrong? I have absolutely no cramping and no pain. I feel like I'm pulled in all sorts of directions please help