Freakin basket case...


Im 24 weeks with didi twin boys. These are my 4th and 5th children. I have 3 daughters 3,6, and 7..... i am a nurse, ive been cut down on hours because my in home pedi patients mother is afraid ill hurt myself... i am working 1 12 hoyr shift a week bringing home a whopping 200$ a week.... my bf is working more now, but still cant seem to get by. We arent in need of things, excwpt for a few more baby items and I cpuldnt even go to church this morning becais3 I seriously have nothing to wear, unless i look homeless. I know it doesnt matter but people talk... i have so much shit to do around my house and cant get no help because im afraid to ask. Im afraid ill piss S/O off.... i need to go through clothes that arw being handed down to my younger girls since weather is changing

.. then, i need to have a mini garage sale, put the crib together, and rearrange my room for the babies things..... ahhhh i just cant anymore. Im so tired, and i hurt, and life just sucks right now. Sorry, i had to vent. Thank you for reading.