I'm officially d.o.n.e

After years of TTC... I an done trying. I use this app to see when my period is coming but that's it. I was a manic tracking my ovulation, using Pre-seed, & recording every time we had sex. It's tiring, stressful, & very emotional. My good friend from high school talked about having 5 kids. Well we're both 27. She's pregnant with twins. This gives her 5 children now. She's a stay at home mom & has been having kids since 2009 or 2010. I'm happy for her, don't get me wrong. It's just saddening to realize that I may not have anymore children.My house is quite 😥 I want to hear kids running & playing through our home. My hubs & I don't have any together. I know I shouldn't dwell... It's hard not to be envious.