should I confront this girl or let it go

My baby shower was yesterday and a girl who used to be my friend showed up (it was a fb invite) cuz I have to much family to send out invites, well she showed up and mind u I haven't spoke to this girl since I was 15 (I'm 19 now ) so I didn't really think she would be the one to show up ... Now fast forward I was talking to her at my baby shower and she asks me if people know he's black .(my son is mixed with white and black) then proceeded to tell me that my sons name is basic cuz I spelt it with a c and her white babies are gunna have unique names now mind u I was very shocked I couldn't even reply to her comments and then she goes on to ask my sister "why isn't ur dad here is it because he's black"? I really want to ask why my sons race is such a controversy to her and why tf did she even come I mean it's 2016 why is this even a fucking issue!!