Induced Mommies!

Ladies who were induced:
How long did it take to progress once you arrived to the hospital and got started on Pitocin and whatnot? How painful would you say it was once contractions kicked in? How long did you labor for? 
TIA, I'm a FTM who will be induced in one day! I go in at 7:30AM, but my cervix is still completely closed. I haven't dilated whatsoever, mucus plug is still intact, and according to my doctor my cervix is barely starting to soften. She can only get a finger in. Hoping the process is fast and easy! All my friends say induction is much more painful then letting your body progress naturally but I'm already going to be 42 weeks and based on my body, it doesn't feel like labor will come on its own. Baby just isn't ready to make her appearance. Lol.