Measuring a week behind and beta not doubling..

I went to the ER on September 7 for pain in my right side. I should have been 6w4d based on opk and early beta levels. I had a transvaginal us done and measured 5w3d w a uterine pregnancy and a yolk sac. My progesterone was over 60ng/ml. My beta was 15,100miu. I had a beta done 11 days before that was 1099 (doubling time 70hrs). Prior to that I had 3 betas all with 40-42hr doubling times. My ER Dr said that is very good, that after your beta hits around 6000-8000 it could take 4-5 days to double. He said he saw no sign of Mc. Fast forward to September 9, my beta was 21,808. So up just under 7,000 in 48hrs w doubling time of 84hrs . The nurse said I was mc bc it HAD to double every 48hrs. I asked her if that was true, why the ER doc told me differently and a lot of Internet research says 72-96 hrs after 6000miu is good a healthy doubling time. She said I was misinformed and to go back today (4 days later) and if it had not started doubling they are sure it's a mc. They are refusing to call in another u/s until my Sept 30th first prenatal appt. This is my 5th pregnancy. I've had a mc and my beta was 4200 at 6w4d and fell to 3300 within 48hrs. I am just confused as to why she said my beta HAD to double. I mean women would be in the trillions by the time they delivered if this was true. Anyone have any advice? I can't really change obgyn .. my insurance is a pain and the only other group that delivers in my hospital has an ass hole office manager that discharged me at 32weelks my last pregnancy for canceling an appt short notice when my car wouldn't start an hour before the appt when I attempted to leave..

Ugh.. sad frustrated annoyed..