Angel baby...

After trying for 13 months for our 3rd baby, we finally were expecting and over the moon happy! We had our first ultrasound where we saw our precious baby and heartbeat. However, my mommy instinct thought the heart rate seemed low. After leaving the hospital I immediately called my doctor and they were also concerned. The following week we went for a follow up ultrasound and found out that our baby was still there but there wasn't a heartbeat. To say the least we were/ are heartbroken. I was 9w4d when baby's heart stopped. I tried to go through my miscarriage naturally but emotionally it was so hard knowing there wasn't anything I could do to save my baby so my husband and I opted to try a medication to help contract. My husband and I and our two beautiful children will never forget this sweet baby but we are ready for our rainbow baby. Hoping our little angel in heaven sends us our rainbow baby soon!

Sorry, I just had to vent a bit.. thanks for reading!