Question for breast feeding mamas

Megan • • 30 • Mommy to 2 little girls, one baby boy, and two angel babies 💗💗💙🤍🤍 • 💍 02.07.14 • Pa • SAHM • Reiki Practitioner • Small Business Owner •
I EBF my daughter until she was a year old then started her on food and continued to breast feed her until she was a little over 2yo. I'm pregnant now with my second baby and I'm due in December. I plan on breast feeding this baby as well. I'm a little nervous about how my daughter (4yo now)  will react to this. I always let her comfort nurse when I was still nursing her and she still turns to my breasts for comfort. If she isn't feeling well or if she's tired she wants to put her hand there and it comforts her. She doesn't do it much anymore but I'm concerned when the baby is here and she sees me feeding the baby it will make her upset. She still talks about breast feeding and how she remembers it. Has anyone else dealt with anything similar? How did you handle it?