When fears become reality.....

Shekiba • 3 yrs TTC #1. MFI. 1st IVF cycle in July '17 = 2 embryos by ICSI frozen. Natural FET in October canceled. Medicated FET with both embryos in September=failed IVF cycle.
I'm in my feelings today! I've always had the fear I wouldn't be able to have a child. I have three God children....I baby sat as a second job for years...I now have two step children ..I love children! When my husband and I started TTC last year up until a few months ago to no avail I started seeking medical attention. I had a work up, HSG and testing. Everything on my end is good. My husband went for his semen analysis a few weeks ago and we got results back yesterday and ALL is numbers are low! Dr only says test again in three months. I don't know what to think. I'm in my fertile week and just not feeling it anymore. My husband of course is like " what do we do now?" I'm like "I don't know" ( kinda don't care) at this point. It's just overwhelming! I'm 35 he's 43. I'm feeled with emotions but I know for sure with much prayer, much power!🙏🏽🙏🏽