so frustrating

I am estimated at 10 weeks with baby no 2 live in the uk so dnt get a scan till at lest 12 weeks. I havent the the best time so far then this week I had an abscess on my tailbone which meant I had to have an emergency op to drain as risk of infection to me and baby was very high. The Drs were very nice but after asking every single one I saw if they could check that my baby is ok they all replied that I am to early for an ultrasound and it won't show anything at all, they have done everything they can to give baby best chance but I have to wait until the 29th to c if my baby is ok. After being on here and seeing all of ur beautiful little baby's from ur scans that start from 6 weeks I am so frustrated with our system. I just want to make sure he or she is ok I dnt want pics or anything just to make sure baby has a heart beat. Spoke to my midwife and she agreed with the Drs but if I start bleeding or cramping then to go in Nd see her as could b the start of a problem. just so worried about having a missed miscarriage really worried bout how my scan will b after baby has been thro all of this 😞