Hospital bedrest depression

Tiana • 27 mommy of three beautiful girls 10 and 6 and 22 months
Was sent to l&d for cramping which was due to dehydration, ended up having a BP of 175/90 and they couldn't get it to go done so I've been admitted for observation. They finally get the BP down and set me up to see an ultrasound specialist to check on baby girl. The worst news I've could have gotten she's measuring small because of the BP restricting blood and oxygen through the cord. So now I'm here to stay until I deliver her. My emotions are all over the place, I'm missing my other 2 daughters like crazy and I hate hospitals. I need to find a coping mechanism or my anxiety and depression will get the best of me which I know is no good for baby. I'm 27 weeks 4 days btw