39+2 labor soon?

39+2. In Tuesday I was 2cm and 50% effaced. Had my membranes scraped which led to mild cramping and light spotting. Yesterday my ankles and feet became super swollen which haven't really gone done. Today I lost my mucus plug with a little bit of brown blood. My mother lives in MD I love IL. She's driving down to be with us but I told her not to get in the car just yet. It is a 12 hour drive from there to here. My MIL and her sister both think I'm going to go into labor within the next 24 hours. I don't know what to think. I've not had any pain aside from mild cramping here and there but it doesn't really last long. What do you ladies think? Should I tell my mom to start driving in case I do go into labor tomorrow? My poor feet. 😞