

So I saw my gynecologist today for the first time since I stopped my birth control pills. And she informed me (once again) that I do need to be on some form of birth control to maintain and control my endometriosis.. with my history of pills not working for me she highly recommended the Jaydess IUD . At first I was completely on board, it fit in with my wanting to have kids in 5 years ect, my plan was just to wait until I was comfortable in my job incase I needed to take time off (literally a new job) and discuss it with my mother and boyfriend.

Until I got home and read the panflit she gave me which obviously included a list of the symptoms it may cause. Which I stead of being broken down into the categories of "most common side effects" "rare side effects" and "seek immediate medical attention if" it was broken down into "very common side effects" and "common side effects" both of which include bleeding (obviously- that I'm fine with) nausea (which is one of the reasons I stopped bc in the first place) , depression (don't need help there), anxiety (also don't need help), Bloating (duh) , migraines (which i already have), ovarian cysts and HAIR LOSS. Among others


When I looked it up on their website it says that the hair loss and a few other side effects are rare, 1 in 10 women and 10 out of 100 experienced this, it still concerns me very much..

Pushing aside the hesitation I already have about the iud with it being stationary..

Does anyone out there have this IUD or any IUD that they've had for a while that wouldn't mind telling me their experience?

I don't want my endometriosis to take over and lose my chances of having children or having it spread, but these possible side effects really frighten me.