Disrespectful BS

( there's a photo attached )

This is such shit. I'm in the clear as of now to deliver naturally, but earlier in my pregnancy, I had placenta previa &&' as you know there's always the factor of c section if it doesn't move.. My " best friend" said she was going to laugh at me and basically make fun of me if I had to get a c section, which really hurt my feelings..... if a child comes out of your body, YOU GAVE BIRTH! Women who deliver via c-section ARE NOT inferior to women who deliver via vaginally, they are not any less of a woman, they are not any less of a mother. They carry &&' <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> a growing child for 9 months just like any other mother. Many women cannot deliver vaginally due to complications with the child, or complications with mother, for some the c-section wasn't a choice they choose .. It is a MAJOR surgery that takes longer to heal and is painful, so many bare a scar most of their whole lives... Mommas who gave birth via c section, you're still worthy, and you're still a real mother and woman! 💕